Couch Patatas

I'm a TV junkie. I can't live without the drama, comedy and reality TV series that make me look forward, very excitedly if I might add, to every week's new episode. So here's a post dedicated entirely to the shows that truly make me a couch potato.
1. MANHUNT, the recently concluded male model contest, where the
Jon Jonsson (see little pics above) emerged victorious, despite being a couple of inches shorter than the other guys. I had been rooting for him since the second episode, after seeing so much potential in him. I was overjoyed when he won! Haha!
This was aired here in the Philippines every Tuesday of the past two months in Star World. I will terribly miss this as a MAJOR source of eye-candy. *sniffles*
2. Amazing Race 7. I've always been a fan of this show. It has wonderful settings, adrenaline rushes, and dramatic situations (what more can you ask for?). This new season features the winners of Survivor All-Stars, Rob and Amber! Rob is a very conniving and competitive guy in Survivor, so I think this season's race bears a whole lot of surprises.
3. Outback Jack. It's a mixture of The Bachelor and Survivor. The show picked the girly-girls and then placed them in the outback where there's no electricity and they had to stay in tents. Then they're made to do tasks, where the prizes are dates with the ruggedly handsome, Jack.
I didn't get to watch the start of this show, but when I chanced upon it, I found myself hooked and very amused. LOL!
Last, but definitely not the least,
If I have the time, I will watch all the Oprah shows day in and day out. Some of the shows contain so much life-changing lessons regarding death of loved ones, heartbreaks, child molestation and other issues in our society. Other times, they're really funny when Oprah interviews the biggest stars and gives us the what's up of their lives. Then there are episodes where she gives away her favorite things, and makes me drool like crazy with envy. There are also a lot of episodes where she rewards the good, but poor people with grants, cars, clothes and even houses.
I've only become an avid Oprah viewer late last year, but I'm glad that I am one because this show has enriched a lot of people in the two decades that it has been running. I am one among the millions. If there is a TV personality that truly made a difference in me as a person, I would say it would be Oprah.
PS: Other shows that I follow are CSI, Will and Grace, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Entertainment Tonight, Everybody Loves Raymond and American Idol. But I wouldn't want to bore anyone to death, so I've chosen to just write about my three current favorites.
Oooh, and I've been downloading
Desperate Housewives! It's a fantastic series!