From A Proud Sister
Hummin': In my Daughter's Eyes by Martina McbrideMy sister hasn't had the best life. She was an outcast during the early elementary years. She was very thin then, and quite weak physically. So many of her classmates boosted their ego by putting her down.
Damn them.
After switching schools, she thought she'd found a group she could belong to. Unfortunately, they turned out to be backstabbing bitches who abandoned her right then and there.
Damn them even more.
In highschool, she was a loner for a year or two. Sure, she had friends, but not the ones who you could just hang out with. Then again, in her third year, they had two new students who became her friends. She was happy God answered her prayer, but they didn't quite share the same wavelength, which made it hard for my already quiet sister to share stories.
Then came college. This new step was like an opportunity for a new image presenting itself to her. After all, with a new environment, perhaps she would be lucky to find good friends this time. At first, she belonged to an all-girl group of seven. But after a few weeks, some bonds became stronger than others and she became the odd one out.
After a few classes, Fate gave her a chance to be close to other people. And so she got to know other batchmates, which quickly accepted her into their big group. They hung out in different restaurants and malls, went to Tagaytay for the weekend, spent three days in Ilocos and whereelse. I even got to spend time with them for a couple of times, help out with their projects and competition.
And I silently thanked God every time she would talk about them. Because she is a compassionate and kindred soul--the one who deserves good friends the most. I was SOOO DAMN NICE to them, because I felt so grateful.
I was wrong.
Those so-called FRIENDS are actually shallow, pretentious, idiotic and unreasonable. For a mistake not my sister's fault, they all turned their back on her, abandoned her the minute they smelled trouble, leaving her vulnerable and alone.
I am one who would not tolerate a mistake just because we're related by blood. But from all the accounts I've checked and rechecked, she really was the victim, one who was seen as weaker and therefore an easier scapegoat.
I cursed her friends so much that I actually lost my voice. Unfortunately, I wasn't given the chance to say it to their face. Well, for all it's worth, I REALLY HOPE THEY FIND MISFORTUNE IN LIFE--the kind that I know they deserve.
(And I'm not even using an asterisk.)
May they find each other squealing like pigs in hell.
I have consoled her on the several occasions she's found her alone and desperate. I have advised her to not let people come to close anymore, not after that streak of bad luck in attracting the fake kind of friends. I told her she doesn't need them because I'm here, (and will always be) to love, help and protect her.
Today, she is progressing with her dreams. Her ambitious goals are so near in sight, and with her determination and hard work, I know it will not be far from reach. What she lacked with loyal people, she gained with fortunate opportunities. And someday, when she reaches that seat of success, I hope we and her "friends" could meet again...
--Just so I can rub their SHIT it on their faces and stuff it in their gaping mouths.