We-he-hell... I've just gotten through another week of hellish papers and long exams. I don't know what Ateneo is trying to do to its students. Honestly, are they trying to drive us to the edge? My friend is about to lose it, just because of some mistake in a particular major test that could really affect her grade. I mean, if I were in her place (IF nga eh), I'd be freaking out too. This school is just TORTURE.
Enough of my oozing bitterness. I've been wallowing in it for too long... *cough* Theo *cough. So, let's CELEBRATE!
No, it's not just for another week we've gone through, but because tomorrow, I'm going to watch...WHOOHOO!!! The premiere showing of Magic Kitchen, starring the one and only male celebrity I ever truly adored JERRY YAN, Sammi Cheng, Andy Lau and other big stars.
What makes it even more fun is Riel's going to watch with me! I'll be sitting side by side with my #1 JY bud, rooting for the ever-so-gorgeous hunk!
Note to self: Bring little canoes...just in case.
(Oh no, this stupid monitor is acting up again. Argh. Gotta go. Hehehe. I've got no choice anyway.)