A New Terror Begins
Feelin': Mad
Hummin': Settling by Tara Mclean
I am saddened by what has happened to my Atenean friends. Slowly, we are dimishing in number as one by one, people fall under the crushing pressure of academics. Tomorrow, I start another bout with terrorists a.k.a. Ateneo profs and hopefully with God by my side, I will be able to get through alive.
You remember that teacher I was complaining about? Well, we had an encounter today and she just confirmed that she's a real live b*tch. I wasn't talking to her or anything, but she had to drag me into the conversation. Missed me already, huh?
Here's what happened awhile ago. I was compelled to accompany my grieving friend to the department in order to inquire about her faulty grade in Theology when they had issues regarding confirmation and verification just to make sure my friend was telling the truth. Then, they walked out of her little cubicle and she went looking for her files while my friend sat beside me in the waiting area where I was reading a magazine.
All of sudden, she comes back, faces me and tells me in her annoying I-know-it-all-and-you-can-do-nuthin-bout-it voice, "Of course I can't ask you, you weren't there."
The flogging bitch. My ears were definitely smoking at that point.
I wasn't there because I ditched your awfully time-wasting class, moron!
As you can obviously see, oh wait, your brain might not have handled all that, so let me say it directly, I HATE YOU WITH A PASSION.