Sunday, January 9

Moving for the New Year

PANSIT, anyone?

Hummin': Drama effects.

Just as the new year arrived, I found myself faced with changes that I had to undergo in order to grow. Just as I finally (Mom in the background screams: FINALLY!) decided to do something about my unwanted "curves," something important happened to me as well.

I visited Ala's blog and saw that the hostess, Ate Sienna was actually accepting 5 new borders in her server. I became very interested and thus, submitted an application with the smallest expectations of acceptance.

Lo and behold, some few days later, I received an email welcoming me to the Pansitan community! I got in! Yeheeeey!!! Ain't this great?

Ah well, on the downside, I will terribly miss this place that I now can announce just like I do my own name. (ablosh-dat-blag-spat-dat-kom!) But I'm only moving URLs and nothing else.

So please, still visit me here:


And for those who have me on their links, kindly change them for me too. Thank you.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr