Thursday, May 26

Soon to be Rebonded

Soon to be Rebonded

I've been wanting to have my hair rebonded since last year. It wasn't because rebonded hair became the trendy thing, but rather I saw it as a way to finally tame my uncontrolled hair, which has been quite a burden since I can remember.

I begged, pleaded, compromised, but my mom just wouldn't hear it, even when I offered to pay for it myself. UNTIL, I finally decided to face my weight issue. She's been trying and nagging me to deal with it for the longest time. And I'm finally making an effort.

So I made a deal with her. I told her I would strive to reach a particular short-term weight goal, and then, she would have to finance my rebonding expense (which is way over my summer budget) in return.

Supporting my battle with the bulge, she said that if I reach the 20-pound mark before the summer is over, she'd sponsor me. On second thought, I told her I'd change the goal to 30 pounds so that it would make me work harder on myself.

She finally agreed.

After working my ass off for the last two months, my weight stabilized with a 14-kilo loss. Converted to pounds, that's a little more than thirty pounds. (Hip, hip, hurray!) She's happy and I'm even happier! So, I made the arrangements a while ago, and off I shall go to the salon next Tuesday to have my hair finally "controlled."

I CAN'T WAIT! See you then...


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr