Thursday, July 21



Hummin': Brothers Under the Sun by Bryan Adams

At six o' clock in the morning, I, along with 16 others will be leaving Manila for Samal, Bataan where our Ateneo Immersion will be held. We will be riding a bus, a jeepney and a tricycle, and then walk on foot before we reach the farming community.

For two and a half days, we will stay with a foster family, learn to live with them and like them. We will eat only when they eat, sleep where they do and experience their lifestyle and livelihood firsthand.

I have a few experiences in interacting with our less-fortunate brothers. I have joined a couple of church outreaches where we visited orphanages, homes for the aged, and cancer and pregnancy wards of certain hospitals. However, I am hoping that as I spend my time there, I will be able to learn even more on how they survive on a daily basis, having so much less than what most of us do.

Equipped with the best intentions, I also hope that my time there will be fruitful in the sense that I will also be able to impart some knowledge or maybe touch their lives in the smallest ways. I hope that I can also correct some misconceptions that they may have about "us" and vice versa.

As I grow from sharing this experience with them, I am hoping that they also receive something in return--maybe the hopes that people like us who have more opportunities could someday provide the same for them.

Wish me luck!


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr