Saturday, May 27

Bookwhore No More

Bookwhore No More?

Hummin': What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts

I've always considered myself, a bookworm or more pop-culturally called a book-whore. (I honestly don't know why they attach "whore" to everything addicting.)My friends used to snatch a book from my hands before I even get to finish the prologue, fearing I won't be mentally there with them for the rest of the day. They were right in doing so.

Ever since then, when I get hold of a book, then I'm gone, whisked off to some far away land where the story takes place. Even comic books like Archie's digest could take me out of reality in a snap. That's the power of a good book over me.

But nowadays, when hardly five minutes pass of quiet pass by, my books are gathering dust inside my cabinets. I've never had a big collection of books, because my mom wasn't too approved of pocketbook’s love stories (which I enjoyed tremendously as a pubertoid), but of the little that I was able to acquire, they've produced my money's worth for providing me with entertainment for the many days I wanted to take a short vacation.

All I really wanted to express is that I miss, miss, miss reading books…and I badly need a time-out for myself right now. So will somebody kindly suggest a title of a good non-fiction book or two that would be fairly accessible and "educational' but still entertaining?

This bookwhore is planning her return!


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr