Sunday, September 17

Ms. Piggy

I promised myself I would never fall off the track and return to that place of bingeing and not caring about what I put in my mouth.

I broke that promise...and am now slowly gaining back the pounds I've lost!

I'm getting desperate, not because I can't lose it, but rather that I can't seem to stop nibbling on stuff, even past midnight. Is this a sign of stress, bad nerves? Plus, I tried going to the gym after work, but exercising at 9-ish makes me so darn sleepy. I'm running on the treadmill and almost dozing off, and I'm scared that I might actually fall asleep and injure myself!

Here's what someone told me, "Abi, what's happening to you? You're like a butterfly that's turned into a CATERPILLAR. For other people, it's the other way around!"

Waaahhh!!! I don't know what's happening!!!

I need HELP. I'm thinking of trying the South Beach diet, but I looove and survive on fruits so I don't know how I'm going to keep away from it for two weeks. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr