Sunday, October 3

Intellectual Connection?

Intellectual Connection?

Hummin': Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows

WARNING: Turn off all malicious radars before proceeding.

A recent lengthy conversation with a good friend of mine had brought some questions to mind. Both of us often engage in long chats because we watch the same movies, like the same series and reality shows and meet at a certain level of commonality.

And that made me shift to my "love-doctor" mode and ask, would it be better to be physically attracted to a person of the opposite sex or be intellectually compatible with him?

I mean, sure, if you get both, then DON'T LET HIM GO! But if you have to choose between the two, which one priority would outweigh the other? For certain, being physically attracted to a person can bring you goosebumps, cheesy smiles, touchy-feelies and all that *P.D.A. whenever you're around him. But then, having that same intellectual wavelength can keep you entertained, fascinated and growing in knowledge even for hours and hours with just sitting, talking and sharing thoughts with that person.

If I were to choose between the two extremes, I honestly wouldn't know which one to choose either. Would I go for the trophy guy that I can parade to my girlfriends or would I rather have someone to actually converse with during dinner?

Well, I could say it's not the outside but rather the inside, or what's "up there" that counts. But let's all cut the crap and admit it, even though we can claim that "LOOKS doesn't matter," it does...even to the littlest extent. (Who'd want to be with someone they can't even look at? Forgive that moment of harshness.)

I would end this entry to leave you with some brain candy to last you awhile, and get back to me with your thoughts, alright? As for me, well tonight just before drifting off to my own planet, I'll just have to pray to God and beg him to give me someone who'd fit right in between. *wink*

*P.D.A. = Public Displays of Affection.


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