Thursday, October 21

Pringles In Solitude

Pringles In Solitude

I'm supposed to be sleeping, dreaming of handsome guys or hair-raising monsters, but instead, I'm typing away on the keyboard, having only Salt and Vinegar Pringles for company. I figured it's already four-thirty in the morning and I have to be up by 6 anyway, so what's the use of sleeping?

Why so unbelievably early, you're probably wondering?

See, I have to be up by 6, at least three hours before my doctor's appointment. In a few hours' time, a freaky needle is going to be stuck on my arm and rust-smelling blood will be drawn out for tests.

I'm not sick, or at least, as far as I know. It's just that I've been having long lapses with what's supposed to be a monthly period and my mom's getting paranoid about the possible causes of this abnormality. When the normal routine should be raising the red flag monthly, I had actually undergone a 6-month drought. (Yes, I saved up a lot of money from not buying sanitary napkins.)

But I am getting scared, and what-if's are beginning to hound me with hypothetical scenarios that just makes everything doubly frightening.

Paranoia is ALWAYS contagious.

What if something has gone wrong? Something serious?


I'm suffering from Early Morning Madness. Even my waking hours are now filled with nightmares.

PS: If anyone's interested, check out my friend's blog: Aether. I've been making her a Beatles layout around two hours ago and I'm nearly done. *wink*


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr