Saturday, November 22

Really P.O.-ed

Really P.O.-ed

Here I am... pissed as usual. Why? Well, lemme tell you.

I've been writing quite a few stories nowadays. I've been working on this particular one entitled, "Echoes of the Past" and I've pretty much gotten the gist of it. I was receiving good feedback...some advice, but nevertheless, they were all on a positive note.

I have managed to write and update 10 chapters so far in like one month something. Everything is going smoothly since the story is unwrapping itself, presenting twists and turns as I go along. Most twists in the plot wasn't even included in my basic idea when I started writing...which means, all is doing good.

And then, today happened.

I was about to edit one chapter of the story and by some FREAKISH accident, I clicked on the wrong button and erased...I repeat, ERASED the WHOLE STORY. This hurts like hell. I am sooo pissed right now! I have received 93 STORY REVIEWS so far...and two of those reviewers happen to be REALLY (and I mean REALLY) excellent writers that I look up to!

And I had to erase the whole story...and with it, ALL the reviews! WAAAHHH!!! I just LOST all the reviews and there's NO WAY to retrieve it.

*Hits her head on the table.*

Header image by Flóra @ Flickr