Tuesday, January 27

Blogging Nonsense

Blogging Nonsense.

Wassup? Nothing much. Lemme think... See how pathetically obsessed I am with blogging? I don't even have a story to tell and yet, here I am typing away! Sheesh.

Anyhow, if you must know (well, I want to share anyways), I've just failed my Math midterms. And NO, I was not supposed to fail... ("Yeah, yeah, deny all you want," I know that's what's running into your head, but let me explain.)

I got a 107, which is a passing grade. BUT, there's a BIG BUT of course, I didn't know we weren't allowed to write on the backs of our answer papers, thus my teacher gave me a whopping minus 10 POINTS! I know, it's a gigantic number to subtract from a poor student who strives so very hard just to pass...and when she does, fate takes it away! BOOHOOHOO!!! (Actually, I know it was carelessness on my part, but hey, this is my blog, I'm supposed to appear as the oppressed victim. Bear with me. )

So to close this post, let me just say that one thing brightens my day today: WHENEVER I SAY YOUR NAME by Sting / Mary J. Blige. Fantastic Song! Totally head-bopping tune...

Oh and one last thing, I'm itching for these slow days to pass me by so we could celebrate Tabsy's 19th birthday! Whoohoo!!! KTV bar, here we come!!! Hahahaha! Can't wait for Saturday!

Monday, January 26


(See # 3.)

Hello, hello, hello! I missed blogging here for a couple of days. Anyways, so here's the latest updates on my life.

1.) I've read through SOMETHING WONDERFUL by Judith Mcnaught that Nikki had lent me to read. It's yeah...something wonderful. Hehehe! I liked it...but the ending was somehow cut short, like it had the potential to still make the readers swoon harder. It could have been developed more. Then again, maybe it was just me? Hmm...writing stories make one quite critical of others. Tsk.

2.) I've watched the 3rd installment of THE LORD OF THE RINGS! Whoohoo!!! Fantabulously fantastic! Not to mention, exceptionally swoonworthy, and I don't mean just the eternal hottie LEGOLAS but also Aragorn, when he's clean and all that. Plus, I have a new favorite: PIPPIN!!! He's just darn adorable I couldn't resist! Hehehe! And he sings too! LOL!

Now, my next project would be to find time and watch Tom Cruise's LAST SAMURAI, Brad Pitt's TROY (Orlando Bloom is in there! hehe!), Disney's BROTHER BEAR, Julia Roberts' MONA LISA SMILE and Sean Penn's MYSTIC RIVER! Whew...that's a lotta movieS! hehehe!

3.) I had a dream that I found a cellphone in school but the school setting wasn't like Ateneo. Anyways, so I went with Chrys, who studies in DLSU and not ADMU, but dreams often include illogical stuff. Moving on, so we gave it to the school office for safekeeping coz we didn't have a clue to whom it belonged. When I walked out, I met an Atenean blockmate who asked if I had seen her phone (as she described it). I said I actually found it and that I had given it to the office.

She went inside and then came back out, angry and pointing an accusatory finger at me, saying that I had intentionally stolen her cellphone. (Somewhere in the lines of "finders keepers.") I kept telling her I gave it to the office, but the office personnel were saying otherwise. I was distressed, and then, the tiger (that's chrys) came to my defense saying she saw me surrender the phone herself and that she was 100% sure I didn't take it. And then I woke up, feeling like something heavy was inside my chest, dragging my spirit down.

Back to reality. This morning, after my very first subject, Social Anthropology, just as Nikki and I were about to go out the classroom, a guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I knew whose cellphone it was that was left on one of the desks in the classroom. I immediately recognized it to be Michelle's and took it, wondering if my dream last night was a premonition for what happened today. It was uncanny...I felt a hint of reluctance because the feelings of dread came haunting me all over again. Weird. Anyways, this day has a happy ending because I gave Michelle back her phone via Ken, her boyfy, even before she realized it was missing. Hehehe!!! 'Twas kinda funny because she was wondering how the hell the phone got left behind when she didn't even remember anything about it being placed on the desk. I'm just glad it's over.

All's well that ends well.

Thursday, January 22

Echoes of the Past

Echoes of the Past

Hmm... Oh, I've actually been trying to revive the ff, "Echoes of the Past," after not writing for so long. So there I was, slumped, sitting in front of the monitor, my mind trying to conjure up situations I could probably use for the story. Ever since I presented the twist that I thought would make everyone turned off by its cheesiness, I get a very good feedback regarding the "shocker," as the readers put it.

Now, I'm getting kind of pressured to meet up their expectations of bringing a new upheaval of twists!

If you know me, you'd know I hate pressure. But this time around, I think I will agree to the saying, "Pressure turns coals in DIAMONDS." hehehe!

I actually produced a very very UNEXPECTED twist that'll surely blow the people away! (Or I think they will be...hehehe.) Then again, maybe I shouldn't expect...I might just be sorely disappointed. But really, this fic is getting to be more and more exciting to read! Ta-tah! Wish me lotsa luck!!!

Tuesday, January 20

Tortures of Life.

Tortures of Life.

What do you do when you slave away all night forcing yourself to study a subject you just totally despise just because the teacher said you were going to have a test and you wake up the next morning short of an alarm clock which ran to God-knows-where and left you sleeping soundly while your other blockmates took the damn test and you are at home, sleep still sticky in your eyes and you realize this is the THIRD test you have missed?

Would you understand if I just cry now?

Saturday, January 17

Theology's a TURN-OFF


I, for one, thought Theo was going to be a "likeable" subject above all else. After all, if you're taught Catholic doctrines, then it's supposed to make you feel better and more secured, right? You're supposed to be enlightened in order to straighten out your principles and sort out your life priorities. You're taught how to be a better person, to live life in the likeness of the perfect "man," Jesus Christ. That's all good.

But what if, your teacher isn't actually what would fit into the nice, goody-two-shoes, kind Theo teacher you were expecting him/her to be and instead, you got the TOTAL opposite? WHAT THEN?

Then, you end up like me, miserable and bitter. I've been going to these Theo classes, just coz my self-righteous teacher takes attendance each time. (Grrr.) And each time I come out of the class, not only do I NOT understand most of what she teaches, I find myself more and more confused, not on where I stand, but begoggled on the *toot* that she's talking about.

To add to that, I find myself, learning to HATE her more and more each time. (Believe me, if you had an egocentric teacher like mine, you'd find it easy to do too.I sometimes even wonder how she could walk around straight with all that weight on her shoulders...

So far, I've managed to fail all quizzes and a particularly difficult long exam, which hasn't been returned yet, but I have this extra strong gut feeling that I failed it too. *sigh*

Why do I always get the UNLIKEABLE teachers?

I tried, believe me, I tried...but I still end up hating their guts. Argh. I know, you don't have the answer to that either. I never did get an answer anyhow. Maybe it's one of fate's little CORNY jokes. Yeah, and nothing's funny about it.

Theology Schmoology. I think I'm bound to fail.



I'm going to start blogging again...EVEN if nothing exciting really happens in my life.

Anyways...so if someone poor fella gets lost in the world wide web and finds himself wondering (after reading...if you do read) how's my math coming along (MY FAVORITE SUBJECT! *squeals*) I'd like you to know that I'm actually doing good.


No, for crying out loud, I am not hallucinating. And no, I am in fact in stable mental health.

With 50/100 as the passing score, I've gotten a 62 in my first long test. Considering how low I can actually make it go, that's quite a high grade for me. As for my second long test, HOLD YOUR BREATH, I actually got a 75! Can you believe it?!? Now, who says miracles can't happen?

But wait, just when you think everything's good smooth...(DUH? Of course something bad happens. It's called the RUBBERBAND THEORY.)

I just had that 2nd long exam last Tuesday, January 13 200F4, and TODAY, I had my midterms! It all happened so fast...and as they say in Filipino, "Tapos na ang maliligayang araw mo!" (Your happy days are over.) *lightning, thunder effects*

Oh well, that's life. Sometimes you win...but more often, YOU LOSE.

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