Thursday, January 6

New year, New start

New year, New resolution

Hummin': Lovely Mausoleum by Big Tent Revival

I have to admit, I have NEVER made a New Year's Resolution and fulfilled it. Nope, seriously, of the hundred resolutions I've made, I can't remember actually doing a single one for a whole year.

So I stopped making them. If my memory serves me right, the last resolution I made was three years ago when I said that I would go on a diet and try to lose weight.

That OBVIOUSLY did not push through--AT ALL.

This year, I decided to try it out again. I've got nothing to lose.

I will be forcing myself to work out and try to shed a few pounds. (If God's willing, A LOT OF POUNDS!) I will really push myself to maintain my gym routine and get back my (parents') money's worth. I choose to have a healthier lifestyle not just for the physical appearance makeover (that I'm hoping for), but more so for my health.

And why am I writing this here?

I made it public for the sole purpose of REINFORCEMENT.

On the positive side, people can help me by encouraging me to go on and giving me support. On the negative side, if ever I lose my motivation to keep this lifestyle, I will surely be embarassed whenever I see people who I personally know and who also read my blog. Hopefully, that'll get me back up the treadmill and running! So, it works for me in both ways. Hehehe!

Here's to a thinner new year! Cheers!


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr