Saturday, July 3


I hate rodents.

I'm so terrified of them that I lose all sense of pride and poise whenever a creature presents itself, scurrying in my path. Imagine their dark gray hair, tiny feet with tiny little claws, probably teeming with germs and a sly, devious face that not even a mother could love.

Even when I avoid them, they terrorize me no end.

Now they're back in the kitchen, leaving little black poop pellets where our pans and pots are placed and I'm afraid that they'll contaminate the food we eat.

I HAAATE THEM. I'm going to buy more of those sticky glue papers and boards as soon as I get off work. And then when they get caught, we'll fold them up and squish them to death.



Unknown said...

Don’t get the sticky glue papers…they’re so gross! Get the kind of trap that keeps the dead mouse from view. Here’s one:

Header image by Flóra @ Flickr