Sunday, February 20

For the Sake of Blogging


(An Entry for the Sake of Blogging)

My week has been okay. Nothing REALLY bad or good has happened. I have had good days and not-so-good ones.

My operation's healing well. I'm back to eating solids again. But the ugly bruise on my right cheek isn't showing any signs of leaving.

What else?

Hmm...I've had a haircut, which looked fanta-bulous for like 6 hours, and then my hair went back to its usual rowdy self.

Oh, and I've been weighed and measured again for my work-out progress. So far so good! To anyone who's interested, I've lost some weight and a couple of inches. (HURRAH!)


My computer crashed again. For the nth time, my trusty PC failed me, which is the main reason as to why I haven't updated at all.

Now that I have, I can't seem to think of anything to say.

Ho-hum...everything's just been mediocre lately.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr