Monday, March 21

Summer Freedom

Summer Freedom

Hummin': Hari ng Sablay by Sugarfree

For the first time in two years, I finally can claim that I have a summer vacation! Whoop-dee-doo!

I actually have three units to take this summer, but I guess I could just (over)load it in my Senior year. After all, after spending 2 of the previous summers inside a stuffy classroom taking notes and listening to teachers drone, I think I deserve a break.

For these upcoming months, I'm planning to spend more time inside the gym and maybe in the swimming pool. (For the fats, y'know.) Then, I'll try scouting around for some graphic design or animation classes. I really love editing photos and making layouts such as this one. Moreover, if I plan to work in the advertising field, I think these skills are huge pluses, if not, prerequisites.

And maybe, if I find one, I'd also like to enroll in a dressmaking class. My mom took one when she was still single and I've always been curious how I can create my own clothes and bags. Maybe I can start a small business in the near future, or if not, I can still use the skills someday as a wife or mom.

Ambitious, huh?

I know that I may be over-challenging myself, but I think that it's better to aim for tougher things than allow yourself to stay mediocre. And if I don't get to do all those I've listed, getting a 2 out of 3 wouldn't be bad either.

I just hope that these two months will not be wasted like the ones I've spent in highschool where all I did was accumulate fats in my body and numb my brain. I hope to be more productive and maybe become more well-rounded so I can find a nice and stable job after college.

Wish me luck! Better yet, include me in your prayers.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr