Wednesday, November 10

Citrus Tears

Citrus Tears

They say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

It's a metaphor for saying that even when life throws you the worst things, you have to learn to cope with it and make the best out of it. You can deal with the hurt, the loss, but in the end, all you have to do is keep the lessons you've learned and move on.

As I was peeling an orange a while ago, some of the juice squirts got into my eye, and they stung like hell. I couldn't see for a while, and I blinked over and over again, hoping to rub the sour substance away.

After a few seconds, tears started spilling from that eye and I couldn't help it. I simply rubbed the tears away, while still trying to see from my right eye. But, just as fast as it came, the pain subsided and went away.

The painful incident didn't tell me to stop eating or peeling oranges for myself. Instead, it taught me that when peeling oranges, distance must be kept.

The same goes for life.

When trials come your way, you can shed a few tears, take what you can and then, you move on. You must pick yourself from the dirt, or the dark, and then, go on living a little wiser.

I have learned much more today than making orange juice out of oranges.

...I've learned that crying eases the pain away.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr