Tuesday, November 23

Getting Hit On by the Taxi Driver

Getting Hit On by the Taxi Driver

Hummin': The angry buzzing of bees


What's worse that having no one think you're pretty?!

Having a 30-ish, total stranger, taxi driver tell you that you are.

And I knew it's all BOGUS! I mean it...

He asked my age, my school, my province, my parents' occupation and my cellphone number! Not just that but he was asking when I'm free so he could fetch me in taxi and go on a date somewhere. Damn.

Then he started saying, "Mayaman ka ano?" (You're rich, huh?) Isn't that an obvious revelation that he might be a gold-digger who's running out of time? Being an old pedophile and all!?

Even when I refused to answer him, he kept insisting for my number and asking stuff about me. Can't he understand that a grunt usually means a person is not interested??? Damn.

I was sweating bullets despite the cold blast of aircon. And I was totally panicking inside my head. I was involuntarily conjuring up worst case scenarios in my mind, and planning (if ever I would need to) how I could jump off the taxi without getting killed. (OA eh noh?)

I hated every second of the longest 30-minute ride of my life!

Arggggghhh!!! Watch out for this taxi--PWY 732.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr