Friday, December 10

Laughter = Tears?

Laughter = Tears?

Hummin': Lunes by Sponge Cola

I've noticed that when you're in your happiest, you cry. And on the contrary, you laugh when you're in your saddest state.

When a contestant wins in a beauty pageant, a valedictorian graduates on top of her class, a woman finally receives a proposal of marriage, why is it that each of them cries? Isn't it strange that when we experience an insurmountable surge of joy, we cry?

And yet, don't you find it strange that when we feel anguish, embarassment or disappointment, sometimes, we try to laugh it away? We tell a joke or make a joke out of the situation, even though our hearts are breaking as we do so?

Baliktad (opposites), diba?

Is it a way of coping with the unexpected arrival of emotions, or does it come naturally that when we reach the extremes, being mere humans, we just go ballistic?

I don't know the answer to all these questions. I'm equally begoggled myself.

It's just that I laughed on the day I got slapped and called, "worthless."

I laughed until tears ran out of my eyes.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr