Tuesday, August 17

I'm back...but, not really.

I'm back...but, not really.

Feelin': Swamped
Hummin': Nuthin'

Here I am, back where those without money for internet prepaid cards or those who have huge breaks with nothing to do with too much time, goes. Yes, I am mooching off the school computer lab.

I really am suffering from internet withdrawal. Unfortunately, this is also one of those hellish school weeks where tests are lining up one after the other. So, being internet-less is a huge HANDICAP especially when people exchange information and test schedules ONLINE.

Grrr. What's more, with Philo and Theo orals on the side, I am in for some sleepless nights ahead.


When will the torture end?

Shit. I need actors for my scene and I have less than two weeks! Gaddemit!

See how I'm already fretting? Fretting, pimplets and constant worrying are symptoms of one thing: PANIC. I am currently bordering on that state of being, so pardon me for schizophrenic outbursts in the near future.

It's part of who I am. (Hehehe!)


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr