Monday, June 13

Down the Pedestal

Down the Pedestal

Hummin': Wherever You Are by South Border

I admired him for so many years. I placed him on a pedestal so high you could only catch a glimpse of the soles of his feet. He was up there, alongside all the gods and goddesses that we, mere mortals, can never have.

He was the character of the man in my happily-ever-after fantasies. The kind of man who would love, cherish and protect you all the days of your life. Sometimes, it's easier to deal with a infatuation by keeping him out of reality. That way, you won't have to deal with his earthly issues.

Then again, they say that when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. I think that saying works backwards too.

He was on top, and he came crashing down.

Sometimes you're given a chance to reach that pedestal and actually see that person for he is, face to face. The results vary in each situation. Sometimes, you love him all the more because you see his flaws, and yet you find them irresistably endearing. However, from personal experience, after I inevitably and involuntarily learn about that person's defects, I sadly realize then that this "god" somehow turns me off.

Gone is that image of perfection. Just like that. And along with it goes my made-up preconceptions.

In its place is a man that you find all too human. Zits, warts and all.

I thought getting to know him better was just going to prove my earlier impressions right. See, when I met him a few years ago, I was swept off my feet and got knocked down so hard that he became the measurement standards for all other guys. In my world, I createdand viewed him to be near perfect. I mean, he was the nicest guy with the best gentlemanly manner I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. No one, and I mean, no one even came close to how kind and considerate he was.

Now, don't get me wrong. I find out that he still holds the "Nicest Guy Award."


Being the picky girl that I am, I find a little fault, a small thing that I just couldn't turn a blind eye on. He couldn't spell. Okay, he can spell most words--but he gets one ordinary word so horrifically mutated that I was just completely turned off (a more adequate definition is REPULSED).


After all these years, why did he suddenly have to come down from that pedestal???

I wish my curiosity didn't get the better of me. Maybe then, I'd still have someone to look up to.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr