Friday, August 12

Quivering Wet Puppy

Quivering Wet Puppy

I hate ME sometimes.

There are opportunities for me to speak my mind and I don't. I quiver inside like a wet puppy, insecure and afraid of what people might think. And then, when the opportunity passes by, I can't seem to keep my opinions to myself.

I feel as that in those situations, I morph into a person that I hate. The type of person who is too fussy, a busybody, but there are just times where I can't seem to keep my nose from getting into other businesses that involve myself, especially when I know I can contribute. The thing is, I am so afraid (grabe, you don't know just how) of getting myself into responsibilites. I have had a traumatic experience in highschool that really made my confidence in leading hit rock-bottom.

Let's not go into that, because I hate crying.

So please, sa mga tatamaan, ang I know some will get to read this: be gentle...and have a little understanding.

I'm being vague, I know. But it's all because I'm quivering inside again.


Header image by Flóra @ Flickr