Wednesday, April 28

Parasitic Relatives

Parasitic Relatives
Feelin': Furious
Hummin': Nothing. I'm bitching at the mo.

What do you do when you’ve got relatives you don't want o be related to? I mean, you seriously want them off your backs. They intrude on your private life. They brainwash key members of your family. They manage to wreck sturdy relationships. They gossip and destroy!

Why are there people in existence who act with less indignity than a one-cell paramecium? It's as if they have nothing better to do than go around interfering with other people's business. The thing is, since they've been doing this for almost all their life, they've really acquired skills on how to plant seeds of doubt and cultivate them from time to time and succeed into bearing fruits. Inedible fruits of course. (Ewk.)

People like these ought to be erased from the face of the world.

I mean it. Stop sucking on other people, you livid parasites!

Header image by Flóra @ Flickr